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Part 10: Working with APIs in JavaScript

  Working with APIs in JavaScript Outline: 1. Introduction to APIs: 1.1 Definition of APIs: Explanation of what an API (Application Programming Interface) is. Understanding the role of APIs in web development. Types of APIs:  RESTful APIs, SOAP APIs, etc. 1.2 Importance of APIs in Web Development: How APIs facilitate communication between different software systems. Use cases of APIs in modern web development. Examples of popular APIs and their impact. 2. Making API Requests: 2.1 HTTP Methods: Overview of common HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. Explanation of when to use each HTTP method. 2.2 Fetch API: Introduction to the Fetch API in JavaScript. Making simple GET requests with Fetch. Handling responses from Fetch requests. 2.3 Sending Data in API Requests: Using POST requests to send data to the server. Handling different types of data (JSON, form data) in API requests. 3. Handling API Responses: 3.1 Parsing JSON: Importance of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) in API responses.

Learn JavaScript Step by Step Part 2 Development Environment

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Now that you have a basic understanding of what JavaScript is and why it's important, it's time to dive into the practical side of things. In this part of our JavaScript learning journey, we'll guide you through setting up your development evironment and writing your very first JavaScript code.

Choosing a Code Editor

A code editor is where you will write and edit your JavaScript code. There are many code editors avaiable, and the good news is that most of them are free! Here are few popular options:

1. Visual Studio Code (VSCode):

It's one of the most popular code editors out there, known for its simplicity, extensive extensions, and great JavsScript support.

2. Sublime Text:

Another lightweight and feature-rich code editor, Sublime Text is favored by many developers.

3. Atom:

Developed by GitHub, Atom is a highly customizable code editor suitable for JavaScript development.

4. Notepad++:

If you are looking for a simple, lightweight option for Windows, Notepad++ can be a good choice.
Choose one that feels comfortable for you. Most of these editors are available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, so yo can use them on your prefered operating system.

Setting Up a Web Browser for Testing

JavaScript interacts with web pages in your browser, so you need a web browser for testing your code. Most modern browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge come with built-in developer tools, which are essential for debugging your JavaScript code.
Simply download and install the browser of your choice, and you're good to go. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for JavaScript development due to their robust developer tools.
Let's get your hands dirty with some code! Create a new file in your code editor and save it with ".html" extension. It's recommended to name it "index.html." Here's a simple HTML code structure to get started:

Now we will show you many ways of writing JavaScript code in the HTML file
First we will add the JavaScript code in the head tag:

Run the Go Live server of VS code or double click on index.html file to open it in the browser and you will get the output "Hello World" in a dialog box:

Now cut the JavaScript code from head tag and paste it in body tag:

Refresh the web page and you will get the same output. You can also run the JavaScript code from an external file source. Create a new file script.js as shown below:

Now write a script tag with the src as script.js file in the html file in the body tag as shown below:

Refresh the web page again and you will get the same output. Let us move that script code to head tag:

Refresh the page again and you will get the same ouput. It means you can run JavaScript code using four options. You can use any option during your training but for customer you will moslty use the external file option in the head tag one.

You can also write to html directly by using document.write code as shown below:

You will see the following output in your web browser:

There is another way to write code in JavaScript which will write to the console in the browser development tools.

Right click on your web browser and click inspect:
You will get the following screen:
click on console tab, you will see "Coding is a fun" in the console at right side of the browser:
We can also run our code in the console directly. Write 7+5 and enter, you will get 12 as output and console.log("I like coding") and enter, you will get "I like coding" as output in the console and write alert("Hi, how are you") and you will get "Hi, How are you" in a dialog box on the browser:
Now write document.write("Hello, I'm sure you are enjoying coding in JavaScript") in the console and hit enter. You will get the following output in the browser screen:

Setting Up Your Development Environment in VS code

In this part, we'll guide you on how to set up your development environment using Visual Studio Code (VS Code), one of the most popular code editors, and we will mostly use this editor through out this course. We'll show you how to run JavaScript code directly in VS Code's integrated terminal, making it a convenient choice for learning JavaScript.

Step 1: Install Visual Studio Code

If you haven't already installed VS Code, you can download it for free from the official website ( and follow the installation instructions for your operating system (Windows, Linux or macOS).

Step 2: Install Node.js

Make sure you have Node.js installed on your computer. If not you can download it from the official website: After installation, open a new terminal window and run node -v to check if Node.js is installed correctly. You should see the version number in terminal output.

Step 3: Create a JavaScript File

Open VS Code, if not already open, and create a new JavaScript file. Click on "File" > "New File" and then save it with a ".js" extension. you might name it something like "script.js". This is where you'll write your JavaScript code.

Step 4: Writing and Running JavaScript Code

Now, you can start writing your JavaScript code in the "script.js" file.Let's begin with a simple example:
console.log("Hello, World");
Save the file after writing your code.

Step 5: Open the Integrated Terminal

In VS Code, you have an integrated terminal that allows you to run your JavaScript code. To open the terminal, go to the top menu and select "View" > "Terminal". Alternatively, you can use the shortcut keys Ctrl+backtick on windows/Linux or 'Cmd' 'backtick' on macOS.

Step 6: Run Your JavaScript Code

With the terminal open, navigate to the directory where you saved your "Script.js" file. You can use the cd command to change directories.
For example, if you saved your file on the desktop, you can navigate there like this:
cd Desktop then node script.js and hit enter.
In this case, we're running "script.js". You'll see the output of your code directly in the terminal. In our example it will print "Hello, World" to the terminal.
Congratulations! You've successfully set up your development environment and written your first JavaScript code. In the next part, we'll dive deeper into the basic concepts of JavaScript, including variables, data types, and operators. Stay tuned and keep coding!


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