Working with APIs in JavaScript Outline: 1. Introduction to APIs: 1.1 Definition of APIs: Explanation of what an API (Application Programming Interface) is. Understanding the role of APIs in web development. Types of APIs: RESTful APIs, SOAP APIs, etc. 1.2 Importance of APIs in Web Development: How APIs facilitate communication between different software systems. Use cases of APIs in modern web development. Examples of popular APIs and their impact. 2. Making API Requests: 2.1 HTTP Methods: Overview of common HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. Explanation of when to use each HTTP method. 2.2 Fetch API: Introduction to the Fetch API in JavaScript. Making simple GET requests with Fetch. Handling responses from Fetch requests. 2.3 Sending Data in API Requests: Using POST requests to send data to the server. Handling different types of data (JSON, form data) in API requests. 3. Handling API Responses: 3.1 Parsing JSON: Importance of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) in API r...
Part 3: Basic Concepts of JavaScript
Welcome back to your journey of learning JavaScript step by step! In this part we'll dive into the fundamental concepts that serve as the foundation of any programming language. We'll explain these concepts in a way that even a school-going student can understand.
Variables: Containers for Information
Variables in JavaScript are like labelled containers or Storage boxes where you can store different types of information. Imagin them as name tags on boxes, making it easy for you to find what you need. In JavaScript, you can create a variable like this:
let myNumber;
In this example, we've created a variable named myNumber, but it's empty right now. Let's put something inside it:
myNumber = 32;
Now, myNumber contains the number 32. But befor you start declaring variables, it's essential to understand some rules.
Rules for Declaring Variables in JavaScript
- Variable Names: Variable names (identifiers) must begin with a letter (a-z, A-Z), an underscore (_) or a dollar sign ($). They can't start with a number. valid variable names are myVar, _privateVar, $specialVar. Invalid variable names are 123var, @invalidVar etc.
- Subsequent Characters: After the initial character, variable names can also include numbers (0-9) and additional letters, underscores, or dollar signs. Valid variable names are myVar2, count_3, price$ etc.
- Reserved words: You cannot use JavaScript reserved words (keywords) as variable names. These are words that have special meaning in JavaScript, like if, else, while, and function etc.
- Case Sensitivity: JavaScript is case sensitive, so myVar and myvar are considered different variables.
- Camel Case: It's a common convention to use camel case for variable names in JavaScript. Camel case means starting with a lowercase letter and capitilizing the first letter of subsequent word in the name, without spaces. Examples are myVariable, totalAmount, userName etc.
Example Using Variables
// Declare and initialize variables
let firstName = "John";
let age = 30;
let isStudent = true;
// Display information using variables
console.log("Name: " + firstName);
console.log("Age: " + age);
console.log("Is a student: " + isStudent);
In this example, we've declared three variables: firstName, age, and isStudent. We have given them values and used them to display information in the console. If you run this example code in VS Code it will give the following output:
Name: John
Age: 30
Is a student: true
Variables are the fundamental part of a programming language, allowing you to store, manipulate, and retrieve data in your JavaScript code. Understanding the rules for declaring variables is essential for writing clean and error-free code.
Data Types In JavaScript
In JavaScript, data types can be broadly categorized into two main groups: primitive and non-primitive (reference) data types.
Primitive Data Types:
Primitive data types are the most basic data types in JavaScript. They are immutable, meaning there values cannot be changed once they are assigned. JavaScript has seven primitive data types:
1. Number: Represents numeric values, such as integers and floating point numbers. For example:
let age = 25;
let pi = 3.14;
2. String: Represents textual data enclosed in single ('') or double ("") quotes. For example:
let name = "Alice";
let message = 'Hello, JavaScript!';
3. Boolean: Represents true or false values. For example:
let isStudent = true;
let isOpen = false;
4. Undefined: Represents a variable that has been declared but hasn't been assigned a value. For example:
let uninitializedVar;
5. Null: Represents the intentional absence of the any object or value. For example:
let emptyValue = null;
6. Symbol (Introduced in ECMAScript 6): Represents a unique and immutable value, often used as object property keys. For eample:
let uniqueSymbol = Symbol("description");
7. BigInt (introduced in ECMAScript 2020): This data type allows you to represent and perform operations on integers that exceed the limitations of the Number data type. Here's how you can declare and use BigInt:
let bigIntValue = 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890n;
The n at the end of the number indicates that it's a BigInt literal.
BigInt are particularly useful when dealing with very large numbers, such as when working with cryptographic operations, large numerical calculations, or situations where precision matters.
Non-Primitive (Referenced) Data Type:
Non-primitive data types are more complex and can hold multiple values and objects. Unlike primitive data types, they are mutable, meaning their values can be modified. The primary non-primitive data type is:
Object: Represents a collection of key-value pairs where the keys are strings (or Symbols) and the values can be of any data types. Objects are versatile and used to represent more complex data structures. For example:
let person = {
name: "Bob",
age: 30,
isStudent: false
These are the core data types in JavaScript. Understanding the distinction between primitive and non-primitive data types is crucial:
Operators and Expressions (Doing Math with Code)
Operators are like tools that help you do math with code. Just like adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers in math class, you can do the same in JavaScript. Here's an example:
let sum = 5 + 3; // Adds 5 and 3 and stores the result in 'sum'.
In this case, the + symbol is an operator that adds 5 and 3 and result is stored in sum variable.
JavaScript supports various types of operators that allow you to perform different operatins on values and variables. Here's a list and explaination of the different types of operators in JavaScript:
1. Arithmetic Operators:
Arithmetic operators are used for basic mathematical operations:
Addition (+): Adds two values together.
let result = 5 + 3; // result is 8
let result = 10 - 3; // result is 7
let result = 4 * 6; // result is 24
let result = 12 / 4; // result is 3
let result = 10 % 3; // result is 1 (10 divided by 3 leaves a remainder of 1)
let count = 5;
count++; // count is now 6
let count = 5;
count--; // count is now 4
2. Assignment Operators:
Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables:Assignment (=): Assigns a value to a variable.
let x = 10; // x is assigned the value 10
let x = 5;
x += 3; // x is now 8 (5 + 3)
let x = 10;
x -= 4; // x is now 6 (10 - 4)
Multiplication Assignment (*=): Multiplies the variable by the right operand and assigns the result to the variable.
let x = 3;
x *= 2; // x is now 6 (3 * 2)
let x = 12;
x /= 4; // x is now 3 (12 / 4)
let x = 10;
x %= 3; // x is now 1 (10 % 3)
let result = 2 ** 3; // result is 8 (2 raised to the power of 3)
3. Comparison Operators:
Comparison operators are used to compare values and return true or false:
Equal (==): Checks if two values are equal in value, but not necessarily in data type (type coercion).let isEqual = 5 == "5";// isEqual is true (5 is converted to a string and compared)
let isNotEqual = 5 != "3"; // isNotEqual is true (5 is not equal to "3")
Strict Equal (===): Checks if two values are equal in both value and data type.
let isStrictEqual = 5 === 5; // isStrictEqual is true
let isStrictNotEqual = 5 !== "5"; // isStrictNotEqual is true (5 is not equal to
"5" in data type)
let isGreaterThan = 10 > 5; // isGreaterThan is true
let isLessThan = 3 < 7; // isLessThan is true
let isGreaterOrEqual = 5 >= 5; // isGreaterOrEqual is true
let isLessOrEqual = 2 <= 3; // isLessOrEqual is true
4. Logical Operators:
Logical operators are used to combine or manipulate boolean values:Logical AND (&&): Returns true if both operands are true.
let result = true && false; // result is false
let result = true || false; // result is true
let result = !true; // result is false
Comments: Explaining Your Code
Comments in JavaScript are like notes you write in your textbook to remember important stuff. They don't affect your code but help you and others understand it better. You can write comments like this:// This is a single-line comment
This is a
multi-line comment
// Declare a number variable and assign a value
var myNumber = 10;
// Declare a string variable
var greeting = "Hello, JavaScript!";
// Perform a calculation
var result = myNumber * 2;
// Display messages in the console
console.log(greeting); // Print the greeting
console.log("The result is: " + result); // Print the calculation
If you run the above code, you will get the following output in VS Code:
Hello, JavaScript!
The result is: 20
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